An explanatory model of stock prices in the Brazilian transport sector

Conteúdo do artigo principal

Alexandre Rodrigues da Silva


The aim of this study is to establish an explanatory model of the variation of the prices of shares from the transport sector listed in B3. Methodology: Daily stock prices were collected from companies in the transport sector listed on B3 since its IPO until December 31, 2019. Companies that were not on the floor on this date were discarded. As an analysis tool, simple and multiple linear regressions were used. The dependent variable (annual variation in the share price of the transport sector) was subjected to variables such as exchange rate variation, economic activity, as well as important inputs such as wages and fuel, and the Ibovespa variation. Results and conclusions: a model with less variables (Ibovespa variation and inflation variation) was adopted, where a determination coefficient of 0.5131 was obtained (linear coefficient of 0.716). The model, therefore, is closely linked to the stock index and the variation in the inflation index, giving a much more financial profile to these assets.

Detalhes do artigo

Como Citar
An explanatory model of stock prices in the Brazilian transport sector. (2021). Revista UNEMAT De Contabilidade, 9(18).

Como Citar

An explanatory model of stock prices in the Brazilian transport sector. (2021). Revista UNEMAT De Contabilidade, 9(18).


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