In the last decades, critical pedagogy and critical literacy in the field of Applied Linguistics have been strong theories to review, rethink and re-signify linguistic education, in particular, in the field of English teaching in Brazil, that for many years has remained hostage of the “banking education model” (“depositing of information” by teachers into their students) criticized by Paulo Freire in the 70’s when he dismissed the hypothesis of teaching by rote and shaped linguistic education as a political act and literacy as a process in which people, historically situated, are central and viewed as agents. This study had as its main goal to investigate epistemological methodological conceptions of public school teachers of English based on the generation of data coming from different contexts – a second-degree course and a continuing education course in the state of Mato Grosso. In both contexts, the instructors introduced concepts and promoted discussions involving critical literacies. The results showed that teachers need interactions and mediations more frequently so that they can feel more capable of carrying on the desired theoretical confrontations. However, it was also clear that, when in contact with the more critical theories of teaching, teachers demonstrate disposition to escape from the “territory of lamentations” by attempting to propose their own concept of what critical literacy is and trying to reshape their pedagogical doings with respect to the teaching of English.Downloads
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