
  • Joara Martin Bergsleithner UNB


This article reviews some issues on cognitive aspects of task-based syllabus designs, particularly based on two studies (ROBINSON, 2001; SKEHAN & FOSTER, 2001) that deal with cognitive accounts of task-based designs. First, I will focus on contrasting positions of these two papers concerning attentional resources. Second, I will present some empirical results of studies on the effects of task difficulty and conditions. Third, I will show pedagogic sequencing of tasks. Fourth, I will display the measures of three dimensions of task performance, and the measures of task difficulty. Finally, I will close the article with a call for longitudinal studies to investigate second language performance and learning.


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Biografia do Autor

  • Joara Martin Bergsleithner, UNB
    Docente da UNB.


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Como Citar

Bergsleithner, J. M. (2019). TASK-BASED SYLLABUS DESIGNS AND COGNITIVE ASPECTS IN L2 PERFORMANCE. Revista ECOS, 26(1). https://periodicos.unemat.br/index.php/ecos/article/view/4169