Evapotranspiration estimated from satellite images in the Tangará da Serra region, Mato Grosso
Biophysical variables, Energy balance, SebalAbstract
Due to the evapotranspiration to be one of the main causes of water loss to the atmosphere and the main component of the hydrological cycle, its determination becomes indispensable for regional climate dynamics, especially for Mato Grosso due to agricultural potential. In this way, it was aimed to estimate the real daily evapotranspiration of different vegetable covers in the city of Tangará da Serra-MT, Brazil. Images of the Landsat-8 satellite, acquired in 04/19/2019, in orbit 227-70. In the studied scene, four targets were chosen for analysis of biophysical variables and real daily evapotranspiration. The targets were: exposed soil, pasture, native vegetation and corn cultivated area. The mean NDVI in the native vegetation was 29.41% higher than in the pasture and 164.61% higher than in the exposed soil, pointing out the efficiency of the index as indicative of biomass. The albedo of the corn area, when compared to the native vegetation, pasture and exposed soil, was 28.5%, 46.15% and 12.31% higher, respectively. The higher the albedo and the lower the NDVI resulted in higher temperature. In the areas of maize, pasture and soil exposed the Rn was 4.62%, 10.48% and 8.53% smaller than in native vegetation. When comparing the evapotranspiration of corn areas, pasture and exposed soil, it was noticed that these were 6.46%, 37.65% and 78.02%, respectively, smaller than in the area of native vegetation. Concluding that there were differences in the spatial pattern of the variables analyzed according to the type of land cover.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Julia Gallo Barreto, Rivanildo Dallacort, Vanessa Rakel de Moraes Dias, Rafael Cesar Tieppo, Wini da Rocha Clarindo
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