First record of the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) to the northwest state of Rio Grande do Sul




Pandion haliaetus, migration, forest fragments, Brazil.


The osprey (Pandion haliaetus) is a cosmopolitan species that reproduces and migrates on almost all continents. However, not all populations migrate, only when they breed in places the winter is more severe, a time when their prey becomes more inaccessible. There are few studies on the presence of this species in Brazil, the first records for the south were documented by ornithologist William Belton, further north on the Atlantic coast in the municipality of Torres. This work presents the first record of Pandiodon haliaetus for the northwest state of Rio Grande do Sul, being documented on October 30, where an individual flew over the Santa Rosa River in the Santo Antônio SHP, belonging to the Cooperluz company, in the city of Santa Rosa. This includes the region in its migratory route, emphasizing the importance of forest fragments along large water courses.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Brutti, Instituto Federal Farroupilha, Campus Santa Rosa-RS (IFFar)

Fotógrafo. Técnico em Meio Ambiente. Educador Ambiental. Atualmente cursando o 8º semestre do Curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas.


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How to Cite

Brutti, G., Mattos , J. N. de, & Sichinel , E. (2023). First record of the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) to the northwest state of Rio Grande do Sul. Revista De Ciências Agro-Ambientais, 20(1), 50–53.



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