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ABSTRACT: This article, produced from a semi-structured survey conducted by the team of instructors and the multidisciplinary team of Florescer Ação Social on Rua Santa Maria, in the Jardim Aeroporto Neighborhood in Nova Olímpia (MT), revealed crucial factors limiting residents' participation in the institution's activities. The main challenges include socioeconomic vulnerability, with many living on less than a minimum wage, a lack of awareness about the offered workshops, and difficulties accessing the Florescer headquarters. These factors highlight the importance of stronger engagement between the third sector and the local community. The study also showed residents' interest in professional training courses focused on Employment and Income Generation, reflecting a lack of opportunities for this socioeconomically marginalized group. The research emphasized the need to improve institutional communication, provide free transportation, and expand the range of courses aimed at the job market, outlining strategies to increase community engagement and the organization's social impact.
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