Secular trend of 30 years of agility and speed of girls from Ilhabela/ Tendencia secular de 30 años de agilidad y velocidad de las niñas de Ilhabela/ Tendência secular de 30 anos de agilidade e velocidade das meninas de Ilhabela


  • João Pedro da Silva Júnior CELAFISCS
  • Wesley Dornellas CELAFISCS
  • Pedro Paulo Oliveira Moda CELAFISCS
  • Diego Rafael Lemos Sales CELAFISCS
  • Felipe Estivaleti CELAFISCS
  • Raiany Rosa Bergamo CELAFISCS
  • Victor Keihan Rodrigues Matsudo CELAFISCS


Physical Fitness, Physical Fitness Tests, Students, Child, Brazil


Objective: to describe the 30-year secular trend of the neuromotor variables agility and speed of girls from Ilhabela. Methods: the study is part of the Mixed Longitudinal Growth and Development Project of Ilhabela. The convenience sampling consisted of 511 girls - focused on data obtained in four periods: 1988 (n=132), 1998 (n=166), 2008 (n=147), and 2018 (n=66) – aged between 10 and 11 years old. The following variables were analyzed: Weight, Height, Agility, Shuttle Run Test, and 50-meter Sprint Speed Test. One-Way ANOVA was used, followed by Scheffé's post hoc test, with a significance level of p<0,05. Results: when analyzing the speed, we could observe a null secular trend in the comparison between the first and last decades. In terms of agility, there was a significant difference when comparing the years 1988/89 with 1998/99 and 2008/09, respectively. In addition, the comparison between 1998/99 and 2018/19 was significant, showing a positive secular trend in this variable. Conclusion: the results showed a positive secular trend only in the agility variable, showing that children became less agile over the years.

Biografia do Autor

  • João Pedro da Silva Júnior, CELAFISCS

    Physical Education. Master Degree in Health Sciences. Coordinator and advisor at the Center for Studies of the Physical Fitness Laboratory of São Caetano do Sul. 

  • Wesley Dornellas, CELAFISCS

    Physical Education. Specialization in Exercise Physiology. Advisor at the Center for Studies of the Physical Fitness Laboratory of São Caetano do Sul. 

  • Pedro Paulo Oliveira Moda, CELAFISCS

    Physical Education. Advisor at the Center for Studies of the Physical Fitness Laboratory of São Caetano do Sul. 

  • Diego Rafael Lemos Sales, CELAFISCS

    Physical Education.  Advisor at the Center for Studies of the Physical Fitness Laboratory of São Caetano do Sul.

  • Felipe Estivaleti, CELAFISCS

    Nutrition. Student at the Center for Studies of the Physical Fitness Laboratory of São Caetano do Sul. 

  • Raiany Rosa Bergamo, CELAFISCS

    Nutrition. Master Degree in Sciences. Coordinator and advisor at the Center for Studies of the Physical Fitness Laboratory of São Caetano do Sul.

  • Victor Keihan Rodrigues Matsudo, CELAFISCS

    Doctor. Associate Professor. President at the Center for Studies of the Physical Fitness Laboratory of São Caetano do Sul. 


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Artigo Original/ Original Article/ Artículo Originale

Como Citar

da Silva Júnior, J. P., Dornellas, W., Oliveira Moda, P. P., Lemos Sales, D. R., Estivaleti, F., Bergamo, R. R., & Rodrigues Matsudo, V. K. (2024). Secular trend of 30 years of agility and speed of girls from Ilhabela/ Tendencia secular de 30 años de agilidad y velocidad de las niñas de Ilhabela/ Tendência secular de 30 anos de agilidade e velocidade das meninas de Ilhabela. Journal Health NPEPS, 9(1).