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Author Guidelines

Revista Voluntas: Sociedade, Direito e Estado accepts the following types of publications: dossiers; articles; essay; critical reviews.

Dossier: the editor-in-chief of Voluntas invites or may be asked by another external editor/researcher to analyze a dossier organization proposal. If it is a subject associated with the editorial line, it will request the indication of the organizer(s) responsible (maximum two). These will invite Authors to submit original articles related to the defined theme, according to the magazine's planning. Through external reviewers, the decision on the publication of selected articles will take place.

Articles: an article is a systematized form of knowledge production, with in-depth information gathered from the reading and analysis of several authors, based on the proposed methodological delimitation, containing the introduction, body of the article, conclusion and bibliographical references. Manuscripts (individual or in pairs) initially undergo analysis of the formal adaptations of the journal, with a check regarding the standards required for publication. Failure to comply with these rules will interrupt the appraisal process. Once approved, initially, they will be sent to the Editorial Board for analysis of the nature of the article and its adequacy to the editorial line of Voluntas, deliberating on the subsequent referrals, according to the guidelines. Subsequently, they will be sent to the Reviewers for evaluation.

Essays: academic essays are an author's points of view on a given subject, seeking originality and, at the same time, allowing greater flexibility in the relationships between the studied bibliographies. There is no exhaustive exploration of the theme. The position of the academic essay in relation to the topic faced must be clear with solid arguments and evidence. It is not just an account of what the author believes or what he learned in his investigations, but the demonstration of convincing evidence to substantiate his points of view and convince his readers. It follows the same guidelines as articles and dossiers.

Reviews: academic reviews are publications of study and perception of the Author's reading of a work, and must necessarily present the complete reference of the book reviewed in a highlighted portion right at the beginning of the text, always preceding the text, in addition to the full name of the (a) Author, his/her institutional affiliation, a mini-resume included in a footnote. The Author generally seeks to balance positive and negative aspects of the book object of the academic review, commonly associated with themes of relevance to the area and, therefore, the text of a review has a descriptive synthesis of the organization of the book and its content

Essays and reviews: essays and reviews can originate both from spontaneous demand, as well as by invitation from the editor, ensuring the flow of programming. It will be up to the Editorial Board and the Editor-in-Chief to decide in relation to the publication, taking into account thematic, topicality and quality.

The editorial flow of Voluntas will be continuous, with two editions per year, the first between April/May, and the second, October/November. Over the first three years, Voluntas intends to include at least 25% of members of the Editorial Board from other countries, promoting the internationalization of the journal. Each issue of Voluntas will publish from 9 (nine) to 12 (twelve) articles and essays, and may also contain 5 (five) to 7 (seven) articles in the Dossier Section, and 3 (three reviews) in the Review Section. The language of the articles may be in Portuguese, Spanish or English, with the titles, abstracts, keywords translated, at least, in a language different from the original text (Portuguese, English and Spanish).

Articles and essays submitted by undergraduate students must be accompanied by advisors. Articles and essays with more than 3 (three) authors/co-authors will not be accepted. the later addition of other authors in the manuscript will not be allowed.

The format of the article must include, in the presentation of the article, below the title, the name of the authors, followed by a footnote reference, containing the affiliation, title, belonging to the corresponding institutions and the electronic address of the author. Articles not recommended for publication by anonymous reviewers, as well as those recommended with reservations, will be returned to the authors with the observations, which may be accepted or justified by the author, for a second evaluation. and decision of the Editorial Board.

Articles already published in other journals should include, in a footnote, the appropriate indication. Pending approval or publication in other journals must be indicated, in a note, stating the deadline in which it was sent for analysis and evaluation. The authors will not be remunerated for the publication of the articles. The opinions and concepts expressed by the authors in the texts are entirely their responsibility. After approval of the article, Voluntas reserves the right to adapt the originals in the normative, orthographic and grammatical order, with the objective of maintaining the cultured standard of the language, respecting the style of the authors. Originals will be accepted in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

The names and addresses informed in Voluntas will be used exclusively for the services provided by the publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.

Editorial lines: Fundamental Rights, Socio-Environmental Law, Human Rights, Law of Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Communities, Law and Gender, Law and Race, Legal Anthropology, Legal Sociology, Political Science, Theory of Law, Philosophy of Law, Democracy and Law.

The guidelines for Authors of articles and essays are as follows:

1. The texts must be typed in Arial font, size 12, spacing 1.5, A4 size sheet (210mm x 297mm), with left and top margins of 3cm; right and bottom of 2 cm.
2. The articles must contain a minimum of 15 pages and a maximum of 30 pages.
3. Foreign articles will precede national ones and they will be in alphabetical order.
4. Title: the title of the article must be clear and objective, and may be completed by a subtitle (if any), separated by a colon, in bold, capital letters and centralized, in the language of the text, without abbreviations, accompanied by its translation into English , differentiated typographically.
5. Authors: the authors should not be identified anywhere in the text of the article. To ensure anonymity and impartiality in the evaluation of the texts, the identification should only be carried out on the title page (double blind peer review system).
6. Summary: the word abstract/abstract in capital letters, the summary of the indicative content of the text must be presented in the language of the text, accompanied by its translation into English (abstract), and must not exceed 250 words, structured in a single paragraph.

7. Keywords: the abstract must be accompanied by keywords in lowercase, in the language of the text, accompanied by their translation (keywords), expressions that represent the content of the text, inserted just below the abstract, separated by semicolons and finalized by endpoint.

8. Illustrations: graphs, tables, drawings, maps, etc. must be numbered and titled as close as possible to the element to which it refers, indicating its source.
9. Numbering of the sections: the sections of the article must be structured in introduction, the sections of the text development, conclusion and bibliographical references. For the progressive numbering of sections, the author must observe NBR 6024, from the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT).
10. Citations: for citations in the text, the numerical system must be adopted (NBR 10520 ABNT). The indication of the source is made by unique and consecutive numbering, in Arabic numerals, referring to the footnote by the complete reference in the first mention, and must contain the author's surname (followed by a comma), first names (followed by a period); Title of the work in bold (followed by a period); edition (followed by a period); location (followed by a colon); publisher (followed by a comma); year of publication (followed by a period); if applicable, indicate the volume or volume and finally the source page. In the second mention Author's surname (followed by a comma); first names (followed by a comma); op. cit. (in the cited work); source page. When the notes of the same author are in sequence, Latin expressions may be used, followed by the number of the cited page, namely: j1) apud, second-hand citation; cf: confront refers to; j2) ibid in the same cited work (same author, same work, but different pages); j3) id same author (same author, same work, same page); j4) op. cit. in the cited work. Short direct quotations (up to three lines) must be enclosed in quotation marks and incorporated into the text without changing the font. Long quotes (more than three lines) must be indented 4 cm from the left margin, in a smaller font than the text used (font 10) and without quotation marks. Indirect quotes must come without quotation marks. Citations of quotations may use the expression apud and the original work to which the consulted author is referring must be cited.

11. Referências bibliográficas: as referências consistem na indicação das fontes bibliográficas utilizadas pelo(a) autor(a), expressamente mencionadas no texto. Deverão ser apresentadas observando-se rigorosamente a ordem alfabética. As referências bibliográficas deverão ser elaboradas conforme as disposições da NBR 6023 ABNT, somente com elementos essenciais. EXEMPLOS: k1) SOBRENOME DO(A) AUTOR(A), Nome do(a) autor(a). Título em negrito. Local: editora, ano da publicação, páginas, volume (nome, número de série), outros elementos que permitam identificar o documento (opcionais); k2) SOBRENOME DO AUTOR, Nome do autor. Título em negrito. Local: Editora, data da publicação, páginas, volume (nome, número de série), outros elementos que permitam identificar o documento (opcionais). Disponível em <endereço eletrônico>. Acesso: DD/MM/AAAA; k3) SOBRENOME DO AUTOR, Nome do autor. Título do artigo entre aspas. Título do periódico em negrito. Local da Publicação, numeração correspondente ao volume e/ou ano, fascículo ou número, paginação inicial e final, data de publicação; k4) SOBRENOME DO AUTOR, Nome do autor. Título do artigo entre aspas. Título do periódico em negrito. Local da Publicação, numeração correspondente ao volume e/ou ano, fascículo ou número, paginação inicial e final, data de publicação. Disponível em: <endereço eletrônico>. Acesso: DD/MM/AAAA.\

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The author declares that the article was published, linked or submitted, partially or fully, in another publication (printed or electronic) of a scientific nature or not, indicating in an explanatory footnote. In the same way, it declares to have constituted a summarized version of an undergraduate or graduate monograph lato or stricto sensu, pointing out the origin in an explanatory footnote. The author ensures that the work, although it may have been published in another journal, is original, and does not contain any form of plagiarism, as well as taking responsibility - expressly - for the use of texts and images from third parties, when such use requires authorization.
  • The author declares that the article has not been published, linked or submitted, partially or in full, in another publication (printed or electronic), scientific or not. Likewise, it did not constitute a summarized version of an undergraduate or graduate monograph, a course conclusion work, a master's dissertation, a doctoral thesis or the like. The author ensures that the work is original and does not contain any form of plagiarism, as well as expressly being responsible for the use of texts and images by third parties, when such use requires authorization.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • All Internet page addresses (URLs) included in the text (eg are active and ready to click.
  • The text complies with the journal's rules and guidelines.
  • La identificación de autoría de este trabajo fue removida del archivo y de la opción Propiedades en Word, garantizando así los criterios de secreto de la revista, en caso de someterse a revisión por pares (ej. artículos), de acuerdo con las instrucciones disponibles.
  • The author is aware that the data and information related to filling in the registration form is his/her responsibility.
  • Due to the RJV need to adapt to the qualis criteria, the author is aware that the submitted articles, in the event of approval throughout the editorial process, may be published in the next issues of the journal. There is no predictability of the edition that the article will effectively compose.
  • The author is aware of withdrawing any identification in the text of the article, which must be included in his registration, as well as curriculum vitae, indication of lattes and e-mail.
  • Insert title in Portuguese and English, when filling in the metadata field, as well as abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English. Articles must follow the ABNT 6023 instructions.
  • The abstract must comply with the NBR 6028:2003 standard and must contain a summarized presentation of the relevant points of the article and provide sufficient elements for the reader to decide on the convenience of reading the text. The abstract, in its structure, should include the following items: a) objective, b) method, c) results, d) research conclusions. The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
  • Fill in all metadata fields, such as: lattes curriculum link, degree, institution of origin, institutional affiliation and other items.
  • Simultaneous submission, by author or co-author, of two or more articles is prohibited. All articles posted after the one in the editorial process will be rejected without merit analysis. An article that has not yet been rejected or that has been approved but not yet published is considered to be in the editorial process.


An article is a systematized form of knowledge production, with in-depth information gathered from the reading and analysis of several authors, based on the proposed methodological delimitation, containing the introduction, body of the article, conclusion and biographical references. Manuscripts (individual or in pairs) initially undergo analysis of the formal adaptations of the journal, with a check regarding the standards required for publication. Failure to comply with these rules will interrupt the appraisal process. Once approved, initially, they will be sent to the Editorial Board for analysis of the nature of the article and its adequacy to the editorial line of Voluntas, deliberating on the subsequent referrals, according to the guidelines. Subsequently, they will be sent to the Reviewers for evaluation.


The editor-in-chief of Voluntas invites or may be asked by another external editor/researcher to analyze a dossier organization proposal. A dossier is understood as a set of articles and/or essays gathered around a specific theme aligned with the editorial line of Revista Jurídica Voluntas. If it is a subject associated with the editorial line, the editor-in-chief will request the indication of the organizer(s) responsible (maximum two) for the dossier, who must prepare a presentation. The organizer(s) will invite Authors to submit original articles related to the defined theme, according to the magazine's planning. Through external reviewers, the decision on the publication of selected articles will take place.


Academic reviews are study publications and the Author's reading perception of a work, and must necessarily present the complete reference of the book reviewed in a highlighted portion right at the beginning of the text, always preceding the text, in addition to the full name of the ( a) Author, his/her institutional affiliation, a mini-resume included in a footnote. The Author generally seeks to balance positive and negative aspects of the book object of the academic review, commonly associated with themes of relevance to the area and, therefore, the text of a review has a descriptive synthesis of the organization of the book and its content.

Review guidelines

1. The review consists of a critical feature addressing new knowledge and not just a summary of a work;
2. The complete reference of the reviewed book must appear, preceding the body of the review;
3. It must have the full name of the reviewer and their institutional affiliation;
4. A title different from that of the work being reviewed must be included;
5. The reviewed work tends to be non-fiction edited up to the year before submission to the magazine;
6. Part of the review is a descriptive synthesis of the organization of the book, as well as the understanding of the content of the work;
7. The review should not exceed 5 pages, 1.5 spacing, including bibliographical references, in Word (Arial font, size 12);
8. The reviewer must introduce citations and bibliographical references in the review to support their argument.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.