Demographic and socioeconomic factors in impacts of COVID-19 by regions in Brazil/ Factores demográficos y socioeconómicos en impactos del COVID-19 por regiones en Brasil/ Fatores demográficos e socioeconômicos nos impactos da COVID-19 por regiões do Brasil



COVID-19, Demography, Mortality, Brazil


Objective: assess which demographic and socioeconomic factors contribute to the different impacts of COVID-19 by regions in Brazil. Method: descriptive study with  mathematic modeling (USA) were use to assess deaths and COVID-19 cases and also establish a standard relational relationship with demographic and socioeconomic factors across the country and by regions (2020 to 2023). The factors analyzed in the study: i) deaths and cases of COVID-19, ii) total population density per thousand kilometers, iii) isolation index, iv) population, v) Human Development Index - HDI, vi) population density, vii ) average water tariff, viii) urban water service tariff, ix) total water tariff, x) urban sewage service tariff referring to municipalities served with water, xi) service tariff of total sewage, referring to the municipalities served with water, xii) Gini index (income concentration level), xiii) 1st and 2nd dose of vaccine, and xiv) Gross Domestic Product. Results: the study reveals that COVID-19 cases/deaths are significantly correlated with GDP and inversely correlated with the vaccination rate. Conclusion: this study shows scientific evidence that supports the use of vaccination as a protective measure against COVID-19 mortality in Brazil.

Biografia do Autor

  • Amaury de Souza, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul

    Graduado em licenciatura em Fisica (UFSCAR), bacharelado em Fisica (USO-Sao Carlos), mestrado em meteorologia (UFV), doutorado em tecnologias ambientais (UFMS) e professor associado na UFMS


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Artigo Original/ Original Article/ Artículo Originale

Como Citar

Souza, A. de, Martins de Souza, D., Carvalho Abreu, M., Francisco de Oliveira-Júnior J., Barros da Silva, E., Pobocikova, I., & Soares Casaes Nunes, R. (2023). Demographic and socioeconomic factors in impacts of COVID-19 by regions in Brazil/ Factores demográficos y socioeconómicos en impactos del COVID-19 por regiones en Brasil/ Fatores demográficos e socioeconômicos nos impactos da COVID-19 por regiões do Brasil. Journal Health NPEPS, 8(1).