Lifestyle and eating habits of bank employees in Mozambique/ Estilo de vida y hábitos alimenticios de banqueros em Mozambique/ Estilo de vida e hábitos alimentares de bancários em Moçambique



Life Style, Feeding Behavior, Eating, Occupational Healths


Objective: to evaluate the lifestyle and eating habits of bank workers in Mozambique. Method: a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, with 32 employees from three bank branches, selected through convenience sampling, in 2021. A food frequency questionnaire and a lifestyle questionnaire were applied. Descriptive statistics were employed for data treatment using SPSS v.25, presenting the data as absolute and relative frequencies. Results: in terms of lifestyle, 65.6% of participants were physically active, 100% were non-smokers, and 40.6% preferred fruits and vegetables instead of sweet and savory foods. Regarding food consumption frequency, the bread and equivalents group had the highest daily intake, with French bread (44%) being the most consumed, followed by the fruit and vegetable group with lettuce leading consumption (44%). The third group was meat and equivalents with the most consumed food in that category being fried egg (28%). The least consumed food group was oils and sauces with the most consumed in the category being salad dressings (19%). Conclusion: more healthy lifestyles and eating habits were evidenced.


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Como Citar

Cinquenta, A., Maneca, S. M., Teixeira, R. J., Frio, E. T., & Abdul-Karim, S. (2023). Lifestyle and eating habits of bank employees in Mozambique/ Estilo de vida y hábitos alimenticios de banqueros em Mozambique/ Estilo de vida e hábitos alimentares de bancários em Moçambique. Journal Health NPEPS, 8(1).