Histological analysis of rat prostate under exogenous testosterone and low dose of oral selenium administration/ Histología de la próstata de ratón influenciada por testosterona y la dosis supra-nutricional de selenio/ Histologia da próstata de rato...


  • Sergio Marcelino de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Campus Universitário do Araguaia UFMT-CUA
  • Loiane dos Santos Silva Rio Preto University Center - UNIRP, S.J. Rio Preto, SP-Brazil
  • Rafaela Heloise Cardoso Ledesma Rio Preto University Center - UNIRP, S.J. Rio Preto, SP-Brazil
  • Rodolpho Gonçalves da Silva Rio Preto University Center - UNIRP, S.J. Rio Preto, SP-Brazil


Prostate, Testosterone, Selenium compounds


Objective: to verify selenium effectiveness in maintenance of prostate tissue architecture. Method: experimental study using 20 adult male rats, 90 days old, were divided in followed groups: TG, 05 animals that received testosterone administration; TSG, 05 animals that received testosterone administration and doses of selenium by gavage; CG1, 05 intact animals; CG2, 05 animals that received saline injection, and saline by gavage. Results: characteristic architecture was found in tissue samples from animals of CG with cubic/prismatic secretory epithelium surrounded by fibro-muscular stroma. Animals of TG showed an increase in prostatic epithelium height, increase in the number of blood vessels in stroma and presence of proliferative lesions. Proliferative lesions were also found in tissue samples from animals of TSG, besides having improve in epithelial height, as seen in TG. Conclusion: it is concluded that selenium at this concentration has no effectiveness in modulating morphology of prostatic tissue of adult rats.


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de Oliveira, S. M., Silva, L. dos S., Ledesma, R. H. C., & da Silva, R. G. (2018). Histological analysis of rat prostate under exogenous testosterone and low dose of oral selenium administration/ Histología de la próstata de ratón influenciada por testosterona y la dosis supra-nutricional de selenio/ Histologia da próstata de rato.. Journal Health NPEPS, 3(2), 380-391. https://periodicos.unemat.br/index.php/jhnpeps/article/view/3131