Effectiveness of a musculoskeletal injury preventive program in elite beach volleyball players: a retrospective study/ Efectividad de prevención de lesiones musculoesqueléticas en jugadores de voleibol de playa: un estudio retrospectivo/ Efetividade da prevenção de lesões musculoesqueléticas em atletas de voleibol de praia: um estudo retrospectivo


  • Vinícius Soares Santos VINCI Fisioterapia Rehabilitation Science Postgraduation Progam, Augusto Motta University Centre (UNISUAM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Confederação Brasileira de vôlei (CBV)
  • Fábio Luís Feitosa Fonseca Rehabilitation Science Postgraduation Progam, Augusto Motta University Centre (UNISUAM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Marco Antônio Serquiz VINCI Fisioterapia Confederação Brasileira de vôlei (CBV)
  • Leticia Amaral Corrêa Rehabilitation Science Postgraduation Progam, Augusto Motta University Centre (UNISUAM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Bruno Tirotti Saragiotto Universidade da Cidade de São Paulo (UNICID), São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Leandro Alberto Calazans Nogueira Rehabilitation Science Postgraduation Progam, Augusto Motta University Centre (UNISUAM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Physiotherapy Department, Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Primary Prevention, Knee, Musculoskeletal Diseases, Shoulder, Sports


Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of a preventive program in athletes of the elite beach volleyball. Method: this is a case series study of seventeen athletes from Brazilian beach volleyball team, between 15 and 20 years. Information about demographic and anthropometric data, and information about hours of practice and number of physiotherapy sessions were obtained in the medical records. The intervention program was performed for 12 weeks, including exercises for the joint complex of the shoulder and lower limbs. The severity of the injury and the functional tests (glenohumeral internal rotation, dynamic valgus, posterior chain flexibility, and vertical jump) was used as outcome measures. The pre and post-intervention outcome were compared. Results: the preventive program showed a low injury rate (1.37/1000 hours). The functional tests showed contradictory results in post-intervention evaluation. The left shoulder internal rotation (before=80º versus after=86º, p=0.024) and posterior chain flexibility (before=30º versus after=33,1º, p=0,090) showed improvement. There was no change in dynamic knee valgus (before p=0.305, after p=0.894) and vertical jump (before=300 cm versus after=296 cm, p=0.12). Conclusion: the preventive program performed showed a low injury rate and the functional tests do not show a significant improvement in post-intervention evaluation.


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Como Citar

Santos, V. S., Fonseca, F. L. F., Serquiz, M. A., Corrêa, L. A., Saragiotto, B. T., & Nogueira, L. A. C. (2020). Effectiveness of a musculoskeletal injury preventive program in elite beach volleyball players: a retrospective study/ Efectividad de prevención de lesiones musculoesqueléticas en jugadores de voleibol de playa: un estudio retrospectivo/ Efetividade da prevenção de lesões musculoesqueléticas em atletas de voleibol de praia: um estudo retrospectivo. Journal Health NPEPS, 5(2). https://periodicos.unemat.br/index.php/jhnpeps/article/view/4555