Lifestyle and eating habits of bank employees



Lifestyle; Eating habits; Food consumption; Banking services.


Objective: to assess the lifestyle and eating habits of bank workers. Method: cross-sectional descriptive study with a quantitative approach, with 32 participants from three (3) bank branches selected through convenience sampling. A food frequency questionnaire and another with questions about lifestyle were applied. SPSS v.25 and Microsoft excel 2016 were used for data processing. Results: Regarding lifestyle, 65.6% (n=21) of participants were physically active, 100% (n=32) were non-smokers, and consume fruits and vegetables. Regarding the frequency of food consumption, there was a higher daily intake in the bread and equivalents group, with French bread (44%) being the most consumed, followed by the fruit and vegetable group with lettuce leading consumption (44%), meat and equivalents such as third group, and the smallest group consumed was oils and sauces. Conclusion: More healthy lifestyles and eating habits were evidenced to the detriment of unhealthy ones. On the other hand, were verified some unhealthy habits associated with the routine of these professionals, which deserve special attention.

Descriptors: Lifestyle; Eating habits; Food consumption; Banking services.


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How to Cite

Cinquenta, A., Maneca, S. M., Teixeira, R. J., Frio, E. T., & Abdul-Karim, S. (2023). Lifestyle and eating habits of bank employees. Journal Health NPEPS, 8(1). Retrieved from



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