Quality of life of university students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Santa Catarina



COVID-19 pandemic, Mental health, Social isolation, Students, Online teaching


Objective: to assess university students' quality of life (QL) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: this is a observational and cross-sectional survey with a quantitative approach carried out between June and December 2021 at a private university in Santa Catarina, Brazil, through an online form. A sociodemographic test and the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-bref) were used for QoL analysis. Results: Among the 310 evaluated students, 80.1% were female, 89.7% were white and 81.9% were single. The physical and psychological domains were significantly affected (p<0.001). Night-time and afternoon-time students were more affected when compared to full-time students in the social relationships (p=0.047), environment (p<0.001) and general (p=0.023) domains. In addition, students who lived with children and the elderly suffered a more significant psychological impact when compared to those who lived only with the elderly (p=0.023). Conclusion: the COVID-19 pandemic significantly affected the QL of academics, mainly in the Physical and Psychological domains. Moreover, negative effects on students were observed according to the period of study and sociodemographic profile.


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Gabriel dos Santos Meister, Mario Augusto Ghellere Milanez, Peper-Nascimento, J., Érica da Silva Sipriano, Lucas Vieira Machado, Mariane Frassetto, Samira S. Valvassori, & Kristian Madeira. (2023). Quality of life of university students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Santa Catarina. Journal Health NPEPS, 8(1). https://periodicos.unemat.br/index.php/jhnpeps/article/view/10572