Hospitalizations due to abortion at the Unified Health System: trends according to skin color, Brazil, 2012-2021
Abortion, Ethnicity, Hospitalization, Time Series StudiesAbstract
Objectives: to estimate the hospitalization rates due to abortion in the Unified Health System (SUS), according to skin color and analyze temporal trends from 2012-2021. Methods: Hospitalization rates were calculated according to skin color and presented per 10,000 person-years. Trends were analyzed via Prais-Winsten autoregressive modeling. Results: The highest coefficients were observed in people of mixed color, regardless of the type of abortion, with average rates of 43.69/10,000 (All Types), 22.5/10,000 (Spontaneous) and 20.9/10,000 (Other Types). Hospitalizations due to ‘Medical Reasons’ were below 0.5 events per 10,000 person-years. Trends in the ‘Spontaneous Abortion’ and ‘All Types’ groups are declining regardless of skin color. A worrying result involved abortion due to 'Medical Reasons' with stationary (isolated) or increased (group) rates, with a variation of 1.79% per year and a 95% confidence interval of 0.36% to 3.23 %. Conclusions: From 2012 to 2021, there was 1 hospitalization due to abortion in the SUS for every 14 live births in Brazil. Brown women experienced the highest rates, but with a clear downward trend. Despite the scarcity of indications for intentional termination of pregnancy in Brazil, the procedure continues to be regularly offered and hospitalizations are on the rise in the country.
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