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Author Guidelines

1. Contributions (articles and reviews) within the fields of interest of Language Traces – Journal of Linguistic Studies may be submitted in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish. Submissions will be considered only on the understanding that they are not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that they are the original and unpublished work of the author(s), and that any previous or current consideration for publication in any other languages are fully disclosed.

2. Submission of papers implies authorization to publish, without payment of copyrights.

3. Authors are responsible for article content. 

4. Citations and transcriptions must mention the source.

5. Papers will be submitted to double-blind peer review and will be “recommended with suggested changes” or “not recommended”. All recommended papers will be copy-edited.

6. Papers must be submitted electronically at the Language Traces webpage.

7. Submissions must be in Word (.doc, .docx).

8. Title, author’s name, academic titles, institutional filiation, full mailing address, e-mail address must be found in the manuscript.

9. One abstract in the original language and one in foreign language (of around 680 characters counting spaces) and up to 5 keywords in both languages should also be provided.

10. Clarify all symbols, acronyms and abbreviations.

11. Tables and Graphs should be titled and numbered consecutively, as well as figures, with their own sequence. Tables and Graphs should be included in the text document. Their title should be above and the source mentioned below.

12. Links to electronic references should be active.

13. The articles should have up to 42000 characters counting spaces, and the reviews should have up to 10500 characters counting spaces.

14. Notes should be used sparingly and be given at the foot of the page.

15. Put citations up to three lines in the text between inverted commas; more than three lines, in a detached indented paragraph; in both cases, followed by author, year and page in parentheses: Author (year) or (AUTHOR, year).



1) References throughout the text

 1.1) References in literal citations: (AUTHOR’s surname, data, page). Dot after parenthesis.

1.2) Two or more authors:

Ilari e Geraldi (2010) (in the text body); (ILARI; GERALDI, 2010) (inside parenthesis).

1.3) Three or more authors: (ILARI et al., 2009) (inside parenthesis) and ILARI et al.(2009) (outside parenthesis).

1.4) Citations of the same author published in the same year: add regular letters after data, no space between. Exemple: (ILARI, 2000a, 2000b).

1.5) Several authors cited in a sequence: organize by chronological data between semicolon (ILARI, 2005; GERALDI; TARALO, 2008; FRANCHI et al., 2010).

2) References in the end

2.1) One author paper

LOBATO, L. Formal features and parameter setting: A view from Portuguese past participles in romance future tense. DELTA, v. 16, n. Especial, p. 99-128, 2000.

2.2) Two author paper
SCLIAR-CABRAL, L.; RODRIGUES, B. B. Discrepâncias entre a pontuação e as pausas. Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, Campinas, n. 26, p.63-77, 1994.

2.3) Paper in electronic media
SOUZA, F. C. Formação de bibliotecários para uma sociedade livre. Revista de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, Florianópolis, n.11, p.1-13, jun. 2001. Disponível em: http://... . Acesso em: 30 jun. 2001.

2.4) Book

AUTHIER-REVUZ, J. Palavras incertas: as não coincidências do dizer. Tradução de Cláudia Pfeiffer et al. Campinas: Ed. da UNICAMP, 1998.

2.5) Book in electronic media

BRASIL. Ministério da Saúde. Parto, aborto e puerpério: assistência humanizada à mulher. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2001. Disponível em: http://bibliotecadigital.puc Acesso em: 24 nov. 2010.
2.6) Book chapter
PÊCHEUX, M. Ler o arquivo hoje. In: ORLANDI, E. P. (org.). Gestos de leitura: da história no discurso. Tradução de Maria das Graças Lopes Morin do Amaral. Campinas: Ed. da UNICAMP, 1994. p.15-50.

2.7) Dissertation and thesis

REZENDE, L. M. Léxico e gramática: aproximação de problemas linguísticos com educacionais. 2000. Tese (Livre docência) – Faculdade de Ciências e Letras da Universidade Estadual Paulista, Araraquara, 2000.


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