Identification of the varieties existent of the banana (Musa spp) and her productivity in the place of Cela Cuanza South Province-Angola




banana; benguela; bread; dondi; production


This work was aimed at in the identification and determination of banana's varieties (Musa spp) and their respective production indexes in the municipal district of the Cell, since this municipal district concentrates a vast number of banana farmers (Musa spp) that have contributing in the increase in production of banana of the a lot of existent varieties locally, they put with the walk of the time many varieties have missing person in the market without knowing the causes that make the extinction of the same ones. The study was accomplished in the municipal district of the Cell in the period of January to July of 2022, where 60 producing of banana were inquired through the methodology of the snowball. The study revealed in the municipal district of the Cell is produced three varieties of Banana, in the which, 37 are devoted banana's production Benguela (Gramachuna), 10 Banana bread and 13 banana Dondi. He/she was considered a planted area of 17,66 there is, of the which 76,1% with banana Benguela, 17,5% banana bread and 6,4% Banana Dondi. In production terms he/she was considered 288,559 t/ha, of which 77,4% correspond the variety Benguela, 19,7% the variety Bread and 2,9% the variety Dondi. The farmers use the organic Fertilizer and the mineral in that with larger amount to use is the fertilizer organic chicken manure (AND-G) with 29,35 tons that it corresponds to 59,9% applied once, that is, in the implementation of the culture, continuously the bovine manure (AND-G) with 16,25 tons for area that corresponds to 33,1% respectively



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How to Cite

Identification of the varieties existent of the banana (Musa spp) and her productivity in the place of Cela Cuanza South Province-Angola. (2023). Revista De Ciências Agro-Ambientais, 20(2), 117-121.

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