THE CRUEL PEDAGOGY OF THE VIRUS: the necropolitics that permeates bodies, studies on class, race, gender and intersectionalities in Brazil (2020-2023).
Reading Project. Intersectionality. Interdisciplinarity. Teaching Sociology. Pandemic.Abstract
This work presents the development of the interdisciplinary reading project, entitled: The cruel pedagogy of the virus: the necropolitics that permeates bodies, studies on class, race, gender and coronavirus in Brazil (2020-2023). This project began to be carried out in 2021, during social isolation and classes took place in a remote model, for high school students, in an integral technical school in the state education network in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, called Centro de Professional Education – CEEP Professor Djanira Brasilino de Souza. The aim of the project is firstly, to insert a debate on class, race and gender for high school students, through books by Brazilian thinkers, black, women, primarily, who carry out an intersectional dialogue, to provide students with theoretical foundations that allow them to reflect, debate and explain certain social phenomena that are being experienced and that deeply impact their lives. Second, develop interdisciplinary knowledge from the discipline of Sociology, through reading and with different authors who talk about common themes, as well as this knowledge can be used or revised in other subjects in the curriculum, especially in the human sciences.
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SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa. A Cruel pedagogia do Vírus. Coimbra: Edições Almedina, S.A., 2020.
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