Graduate institutional self-evaluation: reading ‘in-between the lines’
Self-evaluation, graduate level, research methodology, innovation, experiential mindset, Capes BrAbstract
This article outlines the qualitative and quantitative methodology of an ongoing research project. The methodology incorporates elements of evaluation research, with all researchers being part of the object under investigation. The research aim was to confirm the Capes Self-evaluation indicators and to interpret the implicit intentions and volitional actions towards innovation, experiential mindset, and strategic planning. The search focused Education, Collective Health and Teaching graduate programs reports. The article describes the methodology of this search, details its phases and the trails followed. The categories were found ‘in between the lines’ of the self-assessment reports (n=392) from the large-scale Capes 2017-2020 evaluative exercise. Evidences of the categories were identified and the methodology has proven effective for exploring publicly available data and capturing the subjective impacts of the evaluative exercise.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Denise Balarine Cavalheiro Leite, Isabel Gomes de Pinho, Mara Regina Lemes de Sordi; Bernardo Sfredo Miorando

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