Female participation, Exact and Technological Sciences (STEAM), Coding Camp, Female empowermentAbstract
This article examines the importance of programs that encourage female participation in the Exact and Technological Sciences (STEAM), with a focus on the Connected African Girls - Coding Camp program, held at the Púnguè University in Chimoio, Mozambique, from October 23 to 29, 2023. The objective of the program was to train young African women, mainly Mozambican girls, in essential programming and information technology skills, skills increasingly demanded by the digital labor market. Methodologically, the research adopted a qualitative approach with an analytical character. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with 8 girls, complemented by official reports of the event. The data obtained were analyzed through qualitative analysis. The results of the survey indicate that the girls who participated in the program gained significant technical knowledge in areas such as programming, robotics, and problem-solving. In addition, the program provided a remarkable increase in the participants' self-esteem, confidence, and leadership skills. This development was one of the main benefits of Coding Camp, which not only trained young women in technical skills, but also empowered them personally, contributing to their growth in the professional and social spheres. The study concludes that programs such as Coding Camp play a crucial role in promoting female inclusion in fields of great potential, such as the exact sciences and technology, traditionally dominated by men.
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