Remote teaching in basic education in the Feijoal indigenous community – Amazonas
Teaching, Remote Teaching, apprenticeshipAbstract
This work aims to investigate how was the service to students of the Feijoal Indigenous community in the municipality of Benjamin Constant - Amazonas, during the period in which the school was forced to stop its normal teaching activities and adopted remote teaching, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The modality chosen by the secretary of education was the service through the Aula Via Rádio Project, developed from the year 2020, with the students listening to the classes via radio and accompanying them with handouts prepared by the Secretary of Education. Through this research, we seek to understand how the teachers and families reacted to a methodology never before practiced in an indigenous school. Among the main difficulties listed for the realization of these classes is directly linked to the structural conditions of access of these communities to technologies.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Franckson Carneiro Félix, Alceu Zoia

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