CONSULTING IN THE RURAL AREA: The Partitioned Management method


  • Leandro Tiago Sperotto UNEMAT



Consulting – Agribusiness – Management



Business consultancy has proven to be efficient in both urban and rural companies, facilitated by technological advances. This has allowed farmers to access strategic information and adopt management practices that professionalize their properties. The Partitioned Management method, an innovative approach, integrates technology and administrative knowledge into rural routine, replacing manual work with mental work. This method aims to improve the lives of small farmers, increasing the efficiency and profitability of properties in the medium term (around six months). However, the consultancy guides and trains farmers, without executing the actions directly, ensuring that the changes are sustainable and implemented by the farmers themselves.

Keywords: Consulting – Agribusiness – Management.



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How to Cite

CONSULTING IN THE RURAL AREA: The Partitioned Management method. (2024). Revista Brasileira De Estudos De Gestão E Desenvolvimento Regional, 3(1), 17-36.