Autismo, Dificuldade, Enfrentamentos, Família, PandemiaAbstract
The context of social isolation provided by the COVID-19 pandemic created difficulties for the families of people with disabilities, who had to create means to face the problems. In view of the need to know about the difficulties of parents of autistic children during the pandemic and their coping strategies, a qualitative study was conducted to learn about the perspectives of 40 mothers and fathers of children and young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder from the north central region of Bahia State. The data were produced by means of a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews and analyzed by means of content analysis (BARDIN, 1977, MORAES, 1999). The results indicated that there were patterns of difficulties presented by parents of autistic children, related to behavioral problems and accumulation of tasks by parents. Diverse strategies for coping with problems were carried out by the parents, going through the organization of the domestic routine and carrying out activities with the children.
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