Síndrome de burnout em enfermeiros antes e durante a pandemia da COVID-19/ Burnout syndrome in nurses before and during the COVID-19 pandemic/ Síndrome de burnout en enfermeros antes y durante la pandemia de COVID-19



Burnout Professional; Burnout; Nurses.


Objective: To evaluate the risk factors of Burnout syndrome in nurses before and during the covid-19 pandemic. Methods: Cross-sectional, exploratory and quantitative study. The sample consisted of 27 nurses working in Primary, Hospital and Teaching Care, data were collected in June 2019 and June 2021. Data collection was performed using the Maslach scale, which has three dimensions: Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization and Professional Fulfillment. Results: Before the pandemic, teachers had average Emotional Exhaustion, high Depersonalization and Professional Fulfillment, during the pandemic they increased in emotional exhaustion and reduced in Professional Fulfillment. Hospital nurses before the pandemic high Emotional Exhaustion and Professional Fulfillment and medium Depersonalization, during the pandemic increased Depersonalization and reduced Professional Fulfillment. Primary Care nurses before the pandemic had average in all items, during the pandemic, Depersonalization increased. Conclusion: It appears that Teaching and Hospital Nurses were the most affected with the chances of developing Burnout Syndrome before and during the pandemic. Thus, it is necessary to strengthen practices to prevent Burnout risk factors and constant evaluation of Nursing professionals who were affected by the Coronavírus pandemic.


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Artigo Original/ Original Article/ Artículo Originale

How to Cite

Síndrome de burnout em enfermeiros antes e durante a pandemia da COVID-19/ Burnout syndrome in nurses before and during the COVID-19 pandemic/ Síndrome de burnout en enfermeros antes y durante la pandemia de COVID-19. (2022). Journal Health NPEPS, 7(2). https://periodicos.unemat.br/index.php/jhnpeps/article/view/6193

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