
  • Francisco Pereira de Sousa Universidade Federal do Tocantins-UFT


State intervention in the economy, self-regulating market and Primitive society.


This paper sought to analyze the State's participation in the economy based on theoretical assumptions: Classical, Keynesian, Neoliberal and Polanyian. The aim of these theories was to prevent the collapse of the economy and, consequently, prevent the negative effects of economics crises from being disseminated across the various productive sectors of the economy. Debates about the presence of the State in the economy have centered around the question regarding the size of the State's role in economic activities. Thus, to carry out this research, the methodology adopted is literary review, with the objective of analyzing the State's participation in the economy, demonstrating how each theoretical approach in question understands this participation.


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How to Cite

THE PRESENCE OF THE STATE IN THE ECONOMY: A THEORETICAL APPROACH. (2024). Revista Brasileira De Estudos De Gestão E Desenvolvimento Regional, 2(1), 151-173.

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