Grammar teaching, Indigenous students, Portuguese BrazilianAbstract
Assuming that many indigenous students who access the university space face difficulties in communicating in Portuguese, the project that resulted in this work was developed with the aim of reducing these difficulties. With the target audience in mind, the chosen theory prioritized bibliographic materials of a grammatical nature to highlight the phenomena that occur in Brazilian Portuguese and, at times, compare them with the native language of the said audience. Working with the Portuguese language from grammatical aspects allowed us to teach indigenous students an approach to the language that is rarely explored and which even many non-indigenous students struggle to grasp. The comparison of phenomena between the two languages was also effective, as it enabled the students to recognize the differences and similarities in the phonetic, morphological, and syntactic structures of both languages. These activities will contribute to better-prepared students in the courses of Literature, Biology, and Forestry Engineering from the Institute of Xingu Studies of the Federal University of South and Southeast Pará.
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