Teaching the Akwẽ - xerente language at the Municipal School Professor Constantino Pedro de Castro, in Tocantínia, state of Tocantins





Xerente People, Akwẽ -Xerente language, Teaching and Learning


This article represents the final project for the undergraduate course in Pedagogy, carried out at the Miracema do Tocantins campus. Its main objective is to investigate how the culture of the Xerente indigenous people, who live in the municipality, is addressed in the teaching-learning process of the Akwẽ Xerente language in urban municipal schools. The research has a theoretical, analytical and descriptive character, based on bibliographic studies by Collet et al (2014), Baniwa (2006), documents and field experiences. The aim was to analyze, through supervised internships, how the mother tongue of the Xerente people is being taught in the classroom at the Professor Constantino Pedro de Castro Municipal School, in addition to presenting relevant data on municipal educativo.


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Author Biography

  • DANILO RODRIGUES CORSINO, Universidade Federal do Tocantins - UFT

    Discente graduado do curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia  da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT), Campus de Miracema do Tocantins, Brasil. Endereço para correspondência: Rua Ana Barbosa, Vila Planalto, n° 433, Tocantínia do Tocantins, CEP; 77640-000.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES CORSINO, D. (2024). Teaching the Akwẽ - xerente language at the Municipal School Professor Constantino Pedro de Castro, in Tocantínia, state of Tocantins. Revista Taka’a, 2(1), e2024002. https://doi.org/10.30681/rtakaa.v2i1.13069