Revitalization of the Chiquitano Language, Cultural Strengthening, Vila Nova Barbecho VillageAbstract
This article deals with the sociolinguistic situation of the Chiquitano language in the village of Vila Nova Barbecho. The school is very important in the resumption of culture and language, as the partnership between the community, teachers and elders contributes to strengthening cultural and linguistic practices in the community and at school. The objective of this article is to discuss the situation of the language in the village and what actions can be developed to restore the language. The research methodology is qualitative and field-based. The investigation was carried out through a questionnaire and interviews with elders, parents, students and other people in the community. The results indicate that there are three elders who know the language, and when these elders meet or gather on a traditional festival day, they speak in the Chiquitano language, and this revitalizes our language and cultural knowledge.
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