Cultural resistance and linguistic innovation in Sateré-Mawé: a record of the neologisms for punctuation marks
Sateré-Mawé language, Neologisms, Punctuation marksAbstract
This article aims to record the process of creating neologisms for punctuation marks in the Sateré-Mawé language. With the adoption of writing and the grammatization of indigenous languages, there is a need for new terms, such as the names of punctuation marks, which are now part of the cultural history of this people. The creation of this terminology was a strategy adopted by Mawé teachers and leaders to strengthen their language and culture. The process took place during the preparation of the pedagogical grammar Sateré-Mawé Pusu Ag͂kukag͂, authored by the teachers of this people. The aim of this report is to share this experience, offering young people and teachers who were not involved in the process the opportunity to learn about the initiative, as well as inspiring other indigenous peoples to value their languages, rejecting the imposition of dominant languages. We present the names created, the strategies used in their elaboration and the context that permeates this process of linguistic resistance.
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