Pedagogy of work and education in the countryside: arrangements between curriculum and local knowledge




Field education, Work pedagogy, Local knowledge, Interculturality


ABSTRACT: The present work presents some theoretical considerations regarding the arrangements established between local knowledge arising from the culture and tradition of quilombola peoples and the school curricula designed for rural school units. We rely on authors such as Freire (1988), Sacristán (1995), Fleuri (2003), Fanon (2008), Caldart (2009, 2010), Zart (2011) and Zart, Paezano and Martins (2019), as we believe that these works contribute for the understanding of the elements that involve the education of the field front to the interculturality. An exploratory bibliographical approach was carried out to point out which are the main guiding axes that allowed and allow that local knowledge permeate the school curricula in the rural school units. The results obtained through the research are not presented as conclusive, since this work is a theoretical part of the ongoing study whose research locus is the Community of São Benedito, in the municipality of Poconé-MT.


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Author Biographies

  • Jucileide Alves Ribeiro, UNEMAT-University of the State of Mato Grosso
    Master's student in Education at PPGEdu/UNEMAT in the Education and Diversity research line, advisor Laudemir Luiz Zart. I have a degree in Full Degree in History from the- UNIC-University of Cuiabá (2002). Specialization in History of Mato Grosso Multiple looks (2003). Degree in Full Degree in Pedagogy from ULBRA-Lutheran University of Brazil (2011). Specialization in Education in the Pantanal Field-Knowledge and Solidarity Socioeconomics IFMT(2013). Effective full-time teacher in the municipal network. Currently works at C.M.E.I Professor Antônia Augusta Leite Ferreira. She has experience in the area of ​​History and Early Childhood Education in rural and urban schools. Member of the UNITRABALHO Nucleus, participating as a master's student in the Study and Research Group on Training and Teaching (GFORDOC).
  • Jane Amorim da Silva, State University of Mato Grosso-Unemat/Cáceres
    Master's student in the Graduate Program in Education at the State University of Mato Grosso - UNEMAT, under the guidance of Professor Dr. Laudemir Luiz Zart. Administrative technician at the State University of Mato Grosso - UNEMAT. Graduated in Biological Sciences, Degree and Bachelor's Degree from the University Center of Várzea Grande - UNIVAG. Specialist in Expertise and Environmental Licensing. Member of the UNITRABALHO Nucleus, participating as a master's student in the Study and Research Group on Training and Teaching (GFORDOC).  
  • Jenilson de Aguiar Biano, State University of Mato Grosso-Unemat/Cáceres
    Master's student at PPGEDU/UNEMAT- Cáceres-MT, holds a Full Degree in Biological Sciences from the State University of Mato Grosso (2009). And Degree in Chemistry, by the Faveni-ES University Center (2021). Specialist in Public Policies, Participation and Social Control of the State by UNEMAT-Cáceres-MT (2014). He is also a specialist in Microbiology, at the Faveni-ES University Center (2023). I am a member of the Study and Research Group on Training and Teaching (GFORDOC), the UNITRABALHO Nucleus of UNEMAT and the Incubator of Solidarity and Sustainable Economic Enterprises (INCUBEESS). João Florentino Silva Neto (Field) and E. E. União e Força.  
  • Laudemir Luiz Zart, State University of Mato Grosso-Unemat/Cáceres
    PhD in Scientific and Technological Policy from the State University of Campinas (2012), Master's degree in Political Sociology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1998), graduation in Philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy Sciences and Letters Dom Bosco, Santa Rosa - RS (1987). I am Adjunct Professor X at the State University of Mato Grosso Carlos Alberto Reys Maldonado - Campus Universitário Jane Vanini de Cáceres and I am part of the UNITRABALHO Nucleus of UNEMAT and the Incubator of Solidarity and Sustainable Economic Enterprises (INCUBEESS). I have experience in the area of ​​Sociology, with an emphasis on Sociological Theory, working mainly on the themes: education, environmental education, rural education, popular education, education and solidary socioeconomics. I participate as a researcher in the Study and Research Group on Training and Teaching (GFORDOC). I am a professor of the Master of Education at Unemat in the line of research: Education and Diversity.  


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How to Cite

RIBEIRO, Jucileide Alves; SILVA, Jane Amorim da; BIANO, Jenilson de Aguiar; ZART, Laudemir Luiz. Pedagogy of work and education in the countryside: arrangements between curriculum and local knowledge. Revista da Faculdade de Educação, [S. l.], v. 39, n. 1, p. e392309, 2023. DOI: 10.30681/21787476.2023.E392309. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.