Tigrão and Tchutchuca: a discursive event of the 2019 social security reform
Discourse Analysis, Metaphor, Memory, Event, Social Security ReformAbstract
The aim of this article is to discursively analyze the formulations “tchutchuca with the rich” and “tigrão with the poor”, which marked the skirmish between PT politician Zeca Dirceu and the then Minister of Economy Paulo Guedes in a debate on whether or not to approve of the Social Security Reform text in the CCJ (Constitution and Justice Commission) of the Chamber of Deputies. We affiliated our proposal of analysis to the field of Discourse Analysis, in order to understand in the formulations of the antagonistic and Sensationalist websites how different effects of meanings about political and social issues are constituted, through the functioning of discursive memory in its metaphorical unfolding.
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