To get – is it the equivalent to Brazilian Portuguese’s “coisar”?




Get, Theory of Enunciative and Predicatice Operations, Notion, Notional Domain, Foreign Language Teaching


This article is part of the theoretical model called Theory of Predicative and Enunciative Operations (TOPE), proposed by the French linguist Antoine Culioli (1990). Our goal is to analyze, under Culioli's perspective, the use of the get, one of the most complex verbs in the English language due to its extraordinary polysemy. This feature seriously confuses students and non-native speakers and they often cannot identify the meaning of this verb, as we could empirically observe in our classes and also in consultations with online doubt sites. Based on the Culiolian concepts of notion and notional domain (1985), we also seek to establish a dialogue between the enunciation and the teaching of structures, fields considered antagonistic, in order to find an alternative to teaching guided by mechanistic practices, which we identify as predominant in our schools. To support this discussion, we will use instances of get extracted from a broad variety of sources like the dictionaries Cambridge, Longman and McMillan, lines from songs, film dialogues, our dissertation and examples of our own creation.


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Author Biography

  • João Daniel Passarelli França, Academia da Força Aérea

    Doutor em linguística pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Possui graduação em letras pela Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Aracatuba (1992) e mestrado em Linguística pela Faculdade de Ciências e Letras de Araraquara (2007). É professor adjunto na Academia da Força Aérea desde 1996, ministrando Língua Inglesa e Inglês de Aviação no Curso de Formação de Oficiais. Participa como estudante no grupo de pesquisa LEnTe - Laboratório de Estudos Enunciativos do Texto, da Universidade Federal de São Carlos.


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How to Cite

To get – is it the equivalent to Brazilian Portuguese’s “coisar”?. (2022). Traços De Linguagem - Revista De Estudos Linguísticos, 5(2).

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