



Apyãwa language, Traditional knowledge, Teaching


In this paper, we present research in the field of Apyãwa mother tongue teaching, which focuses on Apyãwa ritual songs. Our desire is to contribute to strengthening and maintaining our mother tongue in our villages, through the school, which plays a very important role in working with the written modality of the language. In this sense, this research is very important in the current context of our people, since the songs are elements made up exclusively of the riches of our ancestral language. The methodology of my work consists primarily of listening to the knowledge of indigenous consultants, such as Apyãwa elders, and through bibliographical research. As this is a research looking at the teaching and strengthening of the language, our focus is on pedagogical action, in accordance with our school's curriculum proposal, present in the Pedagogical Political Project-PPP. Pedagogical action is the essential basis for the didactic-methodological path, during which we move the entire teaching-learning process towards ritual songs, working on reading and written production. Another purpose of the work is aimed at empowering our language policy in the community, to generate more sources of ancestral knowledge to improve and enrich the pedagogical practice of Apyãwana teachers, as well as the effective training of students. For this reason, we also emphasize that the production of materials on this subject is extremely important for the teaching of mother tongue in Apyãwa village schools. Therefore, this work is very relevant, in the sense of strengthening our culture and the policy of valuing the Apyãwa language, both in the context of Apyãwa education and in the context of Apyãwa school education.


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Author Biographies

  • Klebson Awararawoo’i Tapirapé, Escola Estadual Indígena Tapi'itawa - Seduc-MT

    Graduação em Educação Intercultural - Ciências da Linguagem pela Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brasil(2015), Mestrando do programa de pós-graduação em Ensino em Contexto Indígena Intercultural-PPGECII/UNEMAT, professor da Escola Estadual Indígena Tapi'itawa- Confresa/MT

  • Mônica Cidele da Cruz, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso

    Professora adjunta da Universidade do estado de Mato Grosso. Doutorado em Linguística pela Unicamp. Docente do programa de pós-graduação e Linguística e do programa de pós-graduação, Mestrado profissional em Ensino em Contexto Indígena Intercultural- PPGECII, ambos da Unemat. Coordenadora do Centro de Línguas Ameríndias-CLAM 


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How to Cite

Tapirapé, K. A. ., & Cruz, M. C. da . (2024). RITUAL SONGS AS A MEANS OF STRENGTHENING APYÃWA LANGUAGE AND CULTURE. Revista Taka’a, 2(1), e2024004. https://doi.org/10.30681/rtakaa.v2i1.13210