



accessible resume , universal design for learning , cooperative learning


The present study aimed to: review the literature on the main developments of curricular adaptations/modifications/differentiation; present the principles of Universal Design in Learning (UDL) and analyze planning for cooperative learning. “Curriculum differentiation” involves making resources and strategies more flexible in order to guarantee the success of all students. The DUA aims to provide access to the curriculum for all students in different ways, taking into account different rhythms and learning styles, but above all, it provides opportunities to motivate students so that they are involved in each action carried out by the teacher. The methodologies based on the DUA and the Differentiated Teaching Approach (AED) proved to be effective and studies show that attitudes favorable to inclusive education improve the perceptions of all students. By guaranteeing support and diverse strategies, the teacher becomes more assertive and, therefore, enables cooperative learning


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Author Biographies

  • Ana Paula Silva Cantarelli Branco, Federal University of ABC

    She is currently a professor at the Federal University of ABC, teaching the subjects of "School Practices in Special and Inclusive Education and Inclusive Education. PhD in Special Education from UFSCar (2020), she was a FAPESP Technical Training scholarship holder (2017-2019); she was part of the group of researchers who developed research for the "National Institute of Studies and Research" (INEP) with the research entitled: Assessment of the quality of special education in basic education (2016-2017). She was part of the Research Group called "Human Resources Training in Special Education" (GP-FOREESP) (2016-2020). She completed a master's degree in Developmental and Learning Psychology - State University "Júlio Mesquita Filho" - UNESP - Bauru (2015), when she developed research at the Education Observatory (OBEDUC) with a CAPES scholarship. She was part of the Study and Research Group on Disability and Inclusion - GEPDI - (2013-2015). She developed research in the area of ​​Special Education from the Perspective of Inclusive Education; School inclusion policies; Indicators and parameters for evaluating the quality of education; school inclusion of students who are the target audience of Special Education and family participation. She was an Itinerant Teacher and Specialized Educational Assistance in State Schools in the interior of the state of São Paulo.

  • Ana Carolina Marques, UNESP
    Master's student in the Teaching Program for Basic Education at Unesp Bauru and Graduate in Biology
  • Laura Regina Paniagua Justino, UNESP
    School Director, Professor of the Development and Learning Psychology Program - Faculdade de Ciências - UNESP. Master in Psychology of Development and Learning by UNESP (2017). Specialist in School Management and Educational Informatics. Graduated in Pedagogy from the Universidade Nove de Julho (2010) and from Normal Superior from the FACULDADE ORIGENES LESSA (2004). Experience in education, with an emphasis on school management and inclusive education, focusing mainly on the following topics: teacher training, endorsement of literacy learning and educational technologies. Member of NTAPS (Technical Núcleo de Atenção Psicossocial) of UNESP. I am a member of two research groups: Even people with disabilities, TGD or superdotação and the contexts of learning and development and the Grupo de Pesquisa em Processos de Ensino e de Aprendizagens Profissionais em Contextos Educacionais, Esportivos e de Saúde.
  • Vera Lúcia Messias Fialho Capellini, UNESP

    Productivity Research Professor (CNPQ-2019-2021). Graduated in Pedagogy from the Methodist University of Piracicaba (1991), Master's (2001) and Doctorate (2004) in Special Education from the Federal University of São Carlos. In 2012, she completed a Post-Doctorate at the University of Alcalá- Spain, from which she defended her Habilitation in Inclusive Education in 2014. Adjunct Professor of the Department of Education, of the Postgraduate Program in Psychology of Development and Learning and of the Professional Master's Program in Teaching for Basic Education, at FC/UNESP- Bauru. Director of the Faculty of Sciences - FC/UNESP-Bauru (2021-2025). She has experience in the area of ​​Education, with an emphasis on initial and continuing teacher training, teaching practice, school inclusion and educational assessment. Leader of the Research Group: Inclusion of people with disabilities, GDD and giftedness and the contexts of learning and development. Member of the International Observatory of Inclusion, Interculturality and Pedagogical Innovation (OIIIIPe); both registered with the CNPq. Member of the Research Group Diversidad, Discapacidad e Inclusión Social y Educativa-Diversity, Disability and Social and Educational Inclusion of the University of Alcalá - Spain. President of the organizing committee of the I, II, III, IV and V Brazilian Congress of Education of UNESP in Bauru. Coordinated the Improvement Course in Inclusive Educational Practices in partnership with the Ministry of Education from 2008 to 2013. Coordinated six Specialization courses in Special Education of Redefor, in partnership with SEE/SP and SME/SP. She was President of the Brazilian Association of Researchers in Special Education - ABPEE (2017-2021) and is currently alternate treasurer.


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How to Cite

FLEXIBLE CURRICULUM AND UNIVERSAL DESIGN IN LEARNING - DUA: DEVELOPMENTS FOR COOPERATIVE LEARNING. Revista da Faculdade de Educação, [S. l.], v. 40, p. e402413, 2024. DOI: 10.30681/faed.v40i.12680. Disponível em: https://periodicos.unemat.br/index.php/ppgedu/article/view/12680.. Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.

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