Nakado'tu language, Resistance, Culture, TeachingAbstract
In this article, I intend to report on the situation of the mother tongue in Nakado'tu-Negarotê communities, including the problems faced in maintaining it. The difficulties faced are so that the language remains alive and resilient for future generations of my people. My aim is to present the situation in which the language is used in our daily lives and how it is taught at school. The methodology is qualitative and the research was carried out through interviews with the traditional speakers, Renato Negarotê and Maria Negarotê. The research was carried out in 2024 in the Vale do Guaporé Indigenous Territory and involved the following villages: central Jacaré village, Jacaré linha I village, Tumandu village, Mahalotiru village, Renato's village and Murici/ Rio Piolho village. Based on the research, I was able to observe that the Nakado'tu language is still alive in the communities that were surveyed, however, the Mamaindê language is also present in this space, as well as the Portuguese language, which is very worrying.
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